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Leave a message for Idris Michael Merchant

I’m so grateful that you’re willing to offer me feedback. Positive, neutral, or negative. I see it as a gift. Any feedback is welcomed!

If you are wholeheartedly willing, that I’d love to know a few things (and if not, anything you chose to share is still a gift for me):
(1) Observations: any specifics of the interaction(s) or examples of the behavior/characteristic of mine that you’re remembering.
(2) Feelings: what emotions or sensations do you have at this moment as you remember and write this? If you picked something from this list, my need for understanding would be hugely nourished: https://baynvc.org/list-of-feelings/
(3) Values/Needs/Wants: what important thing do you want for yourself and/or others that was involved in this experience? What do you wish you had gotten or that you feel you didn’t get? If you were able to name something from this list, my need for clarity would hugely nourished: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OhYitfwY-OVUHIOiMwIvSZSm96d3YZ4t/view
(4) Requests: is there anything I (or others that I can make requests of on your behalf) could do to make life more wonderful? (Either as amends/transformative action or to continue the positive experiences)?

— Idris Michael Merchant

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